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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Max Wrap 3.8 x 101.6 cm would interest you.

LP Max Wrap is designed to aid prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of injury while the unique silicone backing design provides localised compression and non-slip support to maintain stability.

It consists of strong, non-tear cohesive fabric and can be applied with concentric overlapping layers around the hand, elbow or patella at the desired level of compression.

LP Max Wrap is multifunctional and easy to re-apply. It is also comfortable to wear and washable without any loss of performance.


ONE SIZE 1 ½ " (W) x 40 " (L) 3.8 x 101.6cm

Hand wash with mild soap in cold water. Rinse thoroughly. Air dry at room temperature. Do not machine wash or dry.

#692-BL-F  Max WRap 3.8 x 101.6 cm

For more information, please click Here Regards,
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