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Hi, You're receiving this email because {name} thinks the Anatomical Flexible Skeleton Model - Fred would interest you.
Fred offers all the advantages of a
3B Scientific® skeleton
. Fred's bendy spine can copy almost any human movement too.Once bent, Fred will remain in that position, to show correct and incorrect postures as well as any pathological misalignments. All skull movements can be shown on the head joints. Protruding spinal nerves and vertebral arteries are also shown on this skeleton, as well as a dorsolateral slipped disc between the 3rd and 4th lumbar vertebrae. Now available on a stable metal stand with 5 casters!
Here are Fred's other advantages:
• Top quality, life-size natural casting
• Made from a durable, unbreakable synthetic material
• 3-part assembled skull with individually inserted teeth
• Close to the realistic weight of around 200 bones
• Easy to remove limbs
• On a stable metal stand with 5 casters (painted white)
• Exceptional value for money
• Final assembly carried out by hand
• 3 year guarantee
Comes with metal stand and transparent dust cover
A15 Fred Flexible Skeleton Model For more information, please click
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