This sections has items suitable for Midwives and Midwifery Students.
Recommended products for Midwifery Students are:-
775-11ABK Prosphyg Aneroid Sphygmomamnometer
3404SB Operating Scissors Sharp / Blunt
418 Digital Thermometer
ECON Econ Plastis Foetal Pinard Stethoscope
Choice of Stethoscopes:-
641 Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope
603 Adscope Stethoscope
For students at ARA Polytechnic it is also recommended to have:-
CLOTHTAPE Tape Measure
Recommended products for Suture Kits are:-
3404SB Operating Scissors Sharp / Blunt
310 Kelly Forceps Straight
330 Thumb Dressing Forceps
027A Mayo Hegar Needle Holder 15 cm